Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players call for White Phosphorus killstreak to be removed or buffed

Some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players have been calling for the developers to remove or buff the White Phosphorus killstreak.
Call of Duty fans are still very much enjoying Modern Warfare in 2021, with the player base even being gifted with new updates and maps every so often.
As the player base is still strong, of course, fans are continuing to give feedback to the development team, with the recent calls for changes to the Ground War mode. However, now it seems players have an issue with the White Phosphorus killstreak.

Reddit user joshua-esaw put up a post with the idea to: “Remove white phosphorus or improve the visibility for your teammates.”
White Phosphorous is a killstreak in Modern Warfare that places a huge area of white smoke across the map that damages the enemy team.
The killstreak is really powerful. However, it can be disorientating for the teammates and the user, especially as you can take damage from it.
The full post is pretty explicit, with the player clearly being frustrated about the issue. The player even states that it is the “worst killstreak” in the game, purely because its negatives outweigh the positives, seeing no reason to use it “except to just annoy people.”
Players in the comments also agree, with one stating that “the coughing is the most annoying part.”
Another user shared their negative experience with the killstreak as well, saying:
“I had a Ground War once where every few minutes someone would call it in. It’s more an inconvenience than anything else when it was enemy, and it just pissed me off when it was friendly. It felt more like a detriment than anything else when I couldn’t see more than a few meters in front of me. For nearly the whole bloody game…”
The killstreak has been in the game since launch, so we doubt it’ll be going anywhere soon. Unfortunately, players who love this game are just going to have to deal with it and hope no one else uses the killstreak.
For more on Modern Warfare, stay tuned via Charlie INTEL, and check out how to fix the reticle menu not working.
Image Credits: Raven Software / Activision