How to get iron in V Rising

V Rising is a vampire survival game that has quickly become a fan favorite on Steam, but many new players are struggling to find iron. Thankfully, we’ve got everything you need to find the metal ore.
Stunlock’s open-world survival game was only released on May 17, but it’s already become a hugely popular game on Steam. On top of that, plenty of big streamers have started broadcasting the game too, widening its reach.
While V Rising gives you a helping hand in the early stages, once you have mastered the basics you are essentially left to your own devices. This can be a challenging stage, as many players have discovered that the game won’t give you any clues about what you should be doing.
For a large number of players, one of the most difficult early-game requirements is iron, with V Rising giving no information on how, or where, to find it. If you’re struggling, we’ve got everything you need to get your hands on some ore.

Where to find iron in V Rising
Iron is extremely important if you hope to survive in V Rising. It’s the next step up from copper and lets you upgrade your tools and weapons to gather resources or kill enemies. The higher level you become, the more important iron will be, as, at some point, your copper weapons won’t be enough to slay the beasts coming for you.
While copper isn’t particularly strong, it can be found almost everywhere. Unfortunately, iron is not so easy to discover. In fact, there’s only one place you’ll find it: the huge Haunted Iron Mine.
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The Haunted Iron Mine is located due south of the Dunley Farmlands, just on the coast of the area. Getting here may be challenging, as the Dunley Farmlands have powerful and dangerous enemies, and the mine itself can claim your life in seconds.

How to mine iron in V Rising
To mine iron in the Haunted Iron Mine, you’ll need a Copper Mace, or better, to break it and add it to your inventory. If you don’t have one handy, there is still iron to be found there, as it also spawns inside chests in this area.
Once you have acquired your iron ore, head back to your castle and smelt it into iron bars using a furnace. You’ll then need to build a Smithy to craft items and weapons.
Along with iron, leather is an important asset in V Rising‘s early game, so make sure you’re on top of it too.
V Rising is currently in early access and is only available on Steam.
Image Credits: Stunlock Studios