Football Manager 2024: Best clubs to rebuild

Aryan Singh
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The extensive database of Football Manager 2024 offers multiple teams to rebuild, ranging from the newest ones like Inter Miami to European giants that have been dormant for years. Take a look at which are the best clubs to rebuild in FM24.

The primary objective in Football Manager 2024 is to lead teams to glory but some players are more interested in forming a narrative around their reign. This usually involves earning success with a team that’s fallen upon difficult times.

So if you’re looking to reform a club’s stature, here are our picks for the best clubs to rebuild in Football Manager 2024.

Best clubs to rebuild in FM24

Our picks for the best clubs to rebuild in Football Manager 2024 require plenty of sorting out. While some can do with tighter squad planning, others need upgrades to their facilities and maybe new faces in the training staff.

Here are the best clubs to rebuild in FM24:


Ajax in FM24
Utilizing Ajax’s academy is great for your FM24 save.

Ajax are a club steeped in heritage and class. The Dutch giants are known for their stellar academy, and for dominating the Eredivise for most of this decade. They’ve also gotten agonizingly close to European glory in recent years but their fortunes have taken a nosedive this season.

It’s on you to step in and tighten their squad planning. You’ll also have to chart development plans for the promising youngsters in their academy. Ultimately, the responsibility falls on you to restore Ajax to a European giant once again.

Ipswich Town

The Tractor Boys have been out of the English top flight for over 20 years since their relegation in the 03/04 season. Therefore, the task is clear, but not easy: to bring Ipswich Town back to the top division.

The challenge will be to replace Kieran McKenna, continue his legacy by replicating his training system, and win over the fans and executives at Portman Road through good results.

Borussia Monchengladbach

In the 70s, Borussia Monchengladbach knew how to dominate the Bundesliga in the style of Bayern Munich. The Prussians were the most successful German team in that decade, winning five Bundesliga titles and two Champions Leagues.

Since then, Monchengladbach have not lifted another Bundesliga or Champions League title. Putting The Prussians back on top is a task more than complicated, not because of the facilities, budget, and other factors, but because you’ll have to break the incredible Bayern Munich streak.

Borussia Monchengladbach hub in FM24
Wake up the sleeping giant of Borussia and take it to the top of Europe.

Leicester City

From their miraculous PL triumph in 2016 to their famed FA Cup win in 2021, Leicester City know a thing or two about being the underdogs. But due to a lack of investment in their squad, the Foxes have dropped down to the Championship.

If you’re looking for a long save with some Division 2 action, Leicester could be the way to go. Besides sorting out their recruitment, you’ll probably need to get into the board’s good books and improve the club’s facilities. There’s always the possibility of pulling a Ranieri and making the Foxes champions once again.

FC Groningen

FC Groningen in FM24
FC Groningen need a lift back to the Dutch top tier in FM24.

FC Groningen is one of the toughest challenges you can take on in FM24. The side’s 23-year-old stay in Eredivisie ended miserably in 2022 as they were demoted after winning just four games all season.

Now toiling away in the 2nd tier of Dutch football, the club is in desperate need of a rebuild. Some improvements to the youth pipeline are also needed, with the objective being a return to the Eredivisie.

Those were our picks for the best clubs to rebuild in Football Manager 2024. For more FM24, check out our other guides:

Football Manager 2024: Best defenders to sign | Football Manager 2024: Best midfielders to sign | Football Manager 2024: Best strikers to sign | Football Manager 2024: Best goalkeepers to sign | How to score & defend corners in Football Manager 2024 | Is Football Manager 2024 crossplay? | How to Scout players in Football Manager 2024 | Football Manager 2024: Best Youth Academies

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About The Author

Aryan is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in sports and racing games, including EA Sports FC, NBA 2K, and Forza. He's also a big fan of massive RPGs such as Starfield, Elden Ring, and Cyberpunk. Aryan has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and previously wrote for sports websites Pride of London, Sportsmanor, LWOF, and Thick Accent. You can contact him at [email protected].