How to farm XP in Diablo 4 Mother’s Blessing week

Souhardya Choudhury
Diablo 4 Elias and Lilith

Diablo 4 is celebrating the Mother’s Blessing event again, and players can get into Sanctuary to maximize their XP gains and greatly increase their Gold for almost a week.

Diablo 4 Season of the Construct has been extended, which is great news for every player who is preparing their builds and inventories for everything new coming in Season 4.

Now that Mother’s Blessing has officially begun, Wanderers will be able to earn XP and Gold at a 35% increased rate, but only for a limited amount of time.

Here’s how to maximize your XP gains during the Mother’s Blessing week in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 Mother’s Blessing weekend start time

Diablo 4 Mother’s Blessing event started on March 26, 2024, and will end on April 2, 2024. The event will give an extra boost to players who are looking to complete Season 3’s Battle Pass, as well as their Season Journey, and even level up multiple characters.

If you want to know if you are still Mother’s Blessing weekend is still activated, you can look for the in-game icon above your experience bar that shows that you are able to get increased XP and Gold.

Diablo 4 Mother’s Blessing: Best way to maximize XP gains

Diablo 4 Lilith
Mother’s Blessing week gives you massive XP buffs in Diablo 4.

Here are the best ways to maximize XP gains during Mother’s Blessing Week in Diablo 4:

  • Farming Nightmare Dungeons, Helltides, and Blood Harvests
  • Using the Urn of Experience
  • Using Elixirs to boost XP gain

This time in Diablo 4’s Mother’s Blessing, you will get a massive 35% boost in your XP and gold gain rate. So you must make sure to use this opportunity to get as much XP as possible and farm Paragon Points to enhance your builds significantly.

Moving to World Tier 4 always helps if you are not in it already as it gives you a massive 200% increased XP. Keep in mind that Mother’s Blessing gives an extra bonus so every XP will be stacking on top of it in Diablo 4.

Aside from moving to World Tier 4, Urn of Experience and Elixirs are great ways to stack even more XP on top of the already buffed numbers. Now that you are ready with these buffs, it is time to take on high-level enemies in Nightmare Dungeons, Helltides, and Vaults.

Take on high-tier NMDs as the enemies will have significantly higher levels than your character. So every one of them, especially the final bosses of the Dungeons, will drop a boatload of XP in each run.

That was everything you had to know about maximizing your XP gains in Diablo 4. For more on the game, check our other guides:

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About The Author

Souhardya is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel, currently covering Diablo 4, EA FC 24, Baldur's Gate 3, and Elden Ring. He has a degree in Media Science & Journalism and has previously worked at Spiel Times and Sportskeeda. You can reach him at [email protected].