Diablo 4 Sorcerer mains demand buffs to face endgame challenges

Souhardya Choudhury
Sorcerer in Diablo 4

Surviving in Diablo 4’s endgame is quite difficult for most Sorcerer characters in Diablo 4 and players say devs should put out more buffs for the class in Season 4.

Sorcerers in Diablo 4 have always been picking the short straw in terms of power scaling in the game, no matter what season the game is in at any given point in time. The biggest reason the class is behind others is its low health pool and the missing Enchantment Slot that devs have removed from them.

Reddit user ‘Maze-Elwin’ posted about this on the platform, as they said: “Sorcerers need to rise up and ask for our 3rd Enchantment Slot back.” Enchantments offer some pretty handy passive boosts to each skill, and they are some of the most important aspects of every Sorcerer build.

Diablo 4 Sorcerer combat
Sorcerers in Diablo 4 have quite limited options in terms of Enchantments.

With more Enchantment Slots, Sorcerers can be far more adept in terms of Attack Power and can make use of some decent defensive passives as well to counter the low HP for the most part. “I say give us 4! They are incredibly weak anyway. We’d still be the worst class though,” said a player.

Even though Blizzard have made some good decisions in Season 4 as they completely revamped several mechanics, Sorcerers still need some tweaks to be able to compete with the meta classes like Barbarian and Necromancer.

“You could have 8 enchantments and I really don’t believe it would come close to being able to enjoy 4 weapons. It’s honestly very sad how bad the class is right now” addressed another player while others want Blizzard to “buff the f*** out of spells and passives” for Sorcerers.

With so many requests from players about buffing Sorcerers, it remains to be seen how the devs handle this situation in the future. For now, if you are interested in some other class in Diablo 4, here are some great BarbarianDruid, and Necromancer builds according to the current meta.