Diablo 4 players divided as ray tracing announced ahead of Season 3

Emily Stander
A battle taking place in Diablo 4

Ray tracing is coming to Diablo 4 in March, and players have been talking about how it could change the game for the better. 

Diablo 4 has had fans divided since release, with some happy with the new installment to the series and others feeling it has a boring grind among other issues.

Now that Nvidia has announced that ray tracing is coming to Diablo 4, players are a little more excited to get back to the bandwagon. According to Nvidia, armor, water, windows, and other reflectable surfaces in the game will feature ray tracing. It will also be added to shadows, enhancing details and the overall gameplay experience. 

The reaction from players has been mostly positive, with a lot of fans saying this is exactly what Diablo 4 needed. “The game could definitely use better graphics on high end PCs,” ‘heartbroken_nerd’ commented on a Reddit thread discussing the announcement.

“As a matter of fact, it was promised that Diablo 4 would have ray tracing, so it’s actually something the game IS lacking currently,” they continued. 

This comment inspired players to think back to the beta when ray tracing was available for the game. Blizzard, at the time, said that it would be available in the game when it was released, and fans have been waiting since June 2023 for this promise to be fulfilled. 

“Ray tracing was available as an option during the beta and was initially going to be available at launch, but they scrapped it and said that they promised they will work to get it out ‘soon,’” a fan commented on the thread. 

Some players were concerned that this was not the real update Diablo 4 needed, though. The gameplay issues have been discussed in the community for a while now, and they are starting to feel like their concerns are not being heard. 

“This is the type of thing that company leadership should have knocked down a few notches in the priority list – imo. A graphical improvement that has 0% effect on gameplay is not going to help win back those who became disillusioned with the game,” another player commented. 

While we wait for the update to come in, you can check out how to get the Tears of Blood glyph and if Lilith really was that bad.