How to get Darkest Below in Destiny 2

Season of the Lost has brought back the popular Darkest Below Pulse Rifle in Destiny 2, and here is how Guardians can get this powerful weapon and use it in their future battles.
There are many interesting and powerful weapons that players can acquire and use in their battles when playing Destiny 2.
The Season of the Lost has added some new and veteran weapons to Destiny 2, such as the Lorentz Drive exotic and the Darkest Below.
When it comes to the Destiny 2 Darkest Below Pulse Rifle, players can only get this weapon in a particular way, and we have what you need to know about this activity covered for you.

How to get Darkest Below in Destiny 2
Guardians will find that the Destiny 2 Darkest Below legendary Pulse Rifle can only be obtained as a piece of loot through the Prophecy Dungeon activity.
Players can begin the Prophecy Dungeon by going into the Director when you are at the Tower and selecting the Prophecy Dungeon activity.
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It is important to note that the Destiny 2 Darkest Below legendary Pulse Rifle is not a guaranteed reward from the Prophecy Dungeon and is a random loot drop that becomes available when players defeat the final boss of the Prophecy Dungeon.
This means players will have to pray to the RNG gods and play this activity until they are lucky enough to get this legendary Pulse Rifle.
The Destiny 2 Darkest Below legendary Pulse Rifle was previously available through the Trials of Nine activity in the fan-favorite game but has not been available as a piece of loot since the first year of Destiny 2.
With this in mind, it is not surprising to see so many players excited to try and get this weapon with it making a return in Season of the Lost.
For more Destiny 2, check out how you can get the Thorn Armor set, and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Image Credits: / Bungie