Warzone The Haunting exploit gives players free wins by staying in Butcher’s realm

Joseph Pascoulis
warzone the haunting event screen shot

An exploit in Warzone’s The Haunting event is allowing players to stay in Butcher’s realm for as long as they like, earning them easy wins.

Warzone’s The Haunting update is the final content refresher until Modern Warfare 3‘s release, which is set to overhaul the battle royale with new guns and Perks.

The Halloween-themed final update for Warzone introduces a bunch of new content for players to dig their teeth into, from new Operators and Equipment to the Soul Capture event that offers exclusive event rewards.

Further, players also get to experience new night versions of the game’s maps, but that’s not all, as there’s also a Diablo-inspired boss called The Butcher that players can take on.

Warzone players discover The Butcher exploit for free wins

Eliminating The Butcher will grant you rewards in both Call of Duty and Diablo, but some players have discovered a crazy exploit with the boss that allows them to get easy wins by staying in Butcher’s realm “the entire game.”

To fight The Butcher, you must take a teleporter to a realm that is away from Al Mazrah which many are calling “hell.” Once you kill the boss, you are teleported back to Al Mazrah. However, what content creator Repullze discovered was that by not killing The Butcher and staying in Hell, you can actually outlast players dying to the storm in Al Mazrah and win the game.

As Pullze stated, “you take ZERO storm damage” while in The Butcher’s realm, so as long as you don’t kill the boss, you can stay in there for the entire game until every other player back in Al Mazrah is dead to the storm.

This exploit essentially gives players free wins, as all they need to do is survive and not kill The Butcher. The developers will likely fix this exploit soon, as it’s clearly unfair for those stuck in the zone in Al Mazrah.

We’ll keep you updated on any updates to Warzone’s The Haunting event, but until then, make sure you also check out everything we know about the new Warzone map, Urzikstan.

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About The Author

Joseph is a Senior Writer at CharlieIntel, specializing in shooters such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Overwatch. He also enjoys Souls-likes, the Resident Evil franchise, and Tekken. After writing for KeenGamer, he joined CharlieIntel in 2021. If Joseph isn't writing about games, he's most likely playing them. You can contact him at [email protected].