Warzone players call for major change to new Rough Nugget blueprint

Warzone’s latest Rough Nugget blueprint may have some issues with it, as players express concern over the strong flashing light effects for those with epilepsy.
Warzone Season 4 has introduced a bunch of content to the game, with a new Red Door fast travel system and even some new Crashed Satellite locations across the map.
Further, like any season, players have also been gifted new weapons, like the C58 and MG 82. However, the latest issue isn’t surrounding the new weapons. It actually concerns a new Warzone Rough Nugget blueprint for the KSP.

Warzone Rough Nugget
Reddit user Peskybarbecue73 pointed out the issue with the new Warzone Rough Nugget blueprint.
They stated that it may need an “epilepsy warning” due to the extreme flashing colors effect the weapon gives off.
Users in the comments also had strong opinions towards the Rough Nugget blueprint, with one even stating: “I don’t suffer from epilepsy, but wtf, even that hurt my head and eyes.”

You can find the video on the official Warzone subreddit here, but we urge caution for photosensitive individuals to be careful, as the video does show an array of bright flashing lights.
The video shows how strong these effects are, with the lights flashing different colors and even spreading over the whole Warzone Rough Nugget blueprint that has quickly caught the eye of the Call of Duty community even though this particular SMG is not extremely popular and is not used in the majority of loadouts by players.
Not to say the Warzone Rough Nugget blueprint isn’t nice. It’s a well-made skin with great colors and a unique selling point, mimicking a gold nugget perhaps as a reference to the Salt Mines location.
However, many community members responded with the idea that it may need to be toned down a little or come with a warning for those who don’t take well to strong flashing lights.
For more Warzone, check out everything you need to know about COD Points or the best Assault Rifle loadouts you should use in Season 4 of the popular Call of Duty battle royale.
Image Credits: Activision / Raven Software