Warzone players call for Raven to steal exciting Apex Legends feature

Joseph Pascoulis
warzone caldera apex storm point

Warzone players are calling for Raven Software to add a certain feature to Warzone that is available to players in Apex Legends.

Since Vanguard’s integration, Warzone has been receiving a lot of stick, not just over the bugs and issues, but also the new map, Caldera, which is supposedly receiving some changes soon.

Although players were seemingly looking forward to the prospect of a new battle royale map for Warzone Pacific, there’s clearly a lot that players would like to see improve, with NICKMERCS recently sharing his opinion on the matter.

Now, players are calling for a feature from Apex Legends that may alleviate player frustrations when it comes to the map.

warzone caldera verdansk maps side by side

Reddit user duffwardo posed a question in the Warzone subreddit that asks: “Would adding timed map rotations into Warzone improve the game?”

The post has an image attached showing Verdansk ’84, the original Verdansk map, and Caldera side by side suggesting that these maps would be in rotation for the battle royale.

This is a feature that is already present in Warzone’s battle royale competitor Apex Legends. In Apex, battle royale maps rotate every hour or so to keep the game fresh and exciting.

This means that players aren’t just fighting in the same locations again and again, and they get to experience some variation when the map rotates. It seems this is something Warzone players would like as well, especially those who miss Verdansk, as one player in the comments wrote:

“That would be great so I could skip Caldera every time its in rotation, like everyone else would. Everyone wants Verdansk back.”

The major difference is that Apex Legends has four maps to rotate between and will sometimes take a map away for a whole season and then bring it back to make it feel even more refreshing.

apex legends olympus and world's edge

Warzone really only has two maps, Caldera and Verdansk. As one comment points out, it may be pointless to have both Verdansk and Verdanks ’84 due to their likeness: “I see no point rotating between verdansk and verdansk 84, one or the other but preferably OG verdansk.”

This probably won’t be added to Warzone due to the sheer size that it would make the game, especially as it would likely cause even more bugs and issues than already present.

Perhaps this is something we will see for the reported Warzone 2, which is set to be a completely new battle royale game.

Image Credits: Raven Software / Respawn Entertainment