What is hitscan in Warzone?

The term “hitscan” is often thrown around when talking about shooter games, but what does “hitscan” in Warzone mean?
When it comes to shooters, whether they be in the first or third person, weapons will fall into one of two categories. They will either be hitscan or projectile weapons. This refers to how players take damage from bullets.
It’s important to note that all of Warzone‘s weapons are projectile. This means that the guns in the game fire actual simulated bullets. Simulated bullets can slow down or drop after being fired.
This also means that players that are shooting from a distance will have to lead their target. Leading requires you to place your crosshair slightly in front of your target so that the opponent runs into the bullet’s path.

What is Hitscan in Warzone?
Although all of the weapons in Warzone operate on this system, players still throw around the term “hitscan.” That’s because some weapons can be modified to make it seem like they are hitscan.
Hitscan means that bullets aren’t simulated when shots are fired. Instead, whatever is in the crosshair when the trigger is pulled will take damage regardless of distance or whether they’re moving.
Most modern FPS games have a projectile weapons system that offers a higher skill ceiling. But, again, weapons can be made to seem as if they are “hitscan” weapons.
When a Warzone player like JGOD or Timthetatman says a gun is “hitscan,” such as the recently buffed Fennec, they mean it is so good you don’t have to adjust your aim for movement or range. However, none of the weapons in Warzone are actually hitscan.
That being said, the simulated projectiles in Warzone only have semi-realistic bullet drop and velocity.
Unless players are at an incredible distance or are using a crossbow, they won’t likely feel the need to lead opponents.
For more Warzone, check out this piece on how the new Season 5 perks give players temporary wallhacks and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Image Credits: Activision