Warzone August 20 update patch notes: Krig 6 & C58 nerfed, High Alert buff, more

Raven Software has rolled out a new update for Call of Duty: warzone on August 20, and the patch notes include some major changes, including a nerf to both the Krig 6 and C58 Assault Rifles.
Raven Software continues to make changes to Call of Duty: Warzone following the Season 5 update for the battle royale game.
The latest set of changes were applied to the game in the Warzone August 20 update patch notes, which saw a previous perk change finally implemented and nerfs to two of the most powerful Assault Rifles in the game.
Here is everything you need to know about the Warzone August 20 update patch notes.

Warzone August 20 update patch notes
- High Alert – Slot 2 (Red)
- This Perk will now allow the Player to hear the footsteps of enemies using the Dead Silence Field Upgrade.
- This change only applies to Warzone.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue causing the ZRG 20mm (BOCW) scope glass to appear white while held in idle position.
- Fixed an issue preventing Players from accessing the Store Tab while using the Warzone client in languages other than English.
- Fixed an issue related to the “Puncture Wound” Nail Gun (BOCW) Blueprint dynamic icon.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Fennec (MW) to ignore its proper ballistics trajectory.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Players from applying a sticker to the Cane (BOCW).
- Fixed various issues related to gifting the Season Five Battle Pass.
- C58 (BOCW)
- Recoil increased
- Max Damage Range decreased by 7.4%
- ADS Speed decreased by 3.4%
- Bullet Velocity decreased by 8.1%
- EM2 (BOCW)
- Reduced Base Optic ADS Speed penalty by 21%
- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1
- Krig 6 (BOCW)
- Minimum Damage decreased from 26 to 25
- Maximum Damage Range decreased by 7.2%
There is no doubt that the Krig 6 and C58 nerfs will make significant changes to the Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 meta, and it will be very interesting to see how the community responds.
For more Warzone, check out the confirmation of a new map and anti-cheat coming to the Call of Duty battle royale, and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Source: Raven Software
Image Credits: Activision