Trios to return to Warzone on April 16

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward has announced that Trios will be returning to Call of Duty: Warzone.

The new playlist update will go live starting at 11PM Pacific on Thursday, April 16, and will return BR Trios to the game.

Infinity Ward removed trios from BR earlier this week and replaced it with an LTM mode that upset many fans.

Reddit had full threads of asking why trios were removed, alongside many on Twitter asking for it to return.

It’s not clear if the LTM will still be available.

About The Author

Keshav Bhat is the Co-Founder of, the world's largest Call of Duty news site. Based in Atlanta, Keshav also serves as the Head of Social Media for Dexerto network, running a network of over 10 million social followers. Keshav can be contacted for tips at [email protected]