Raven Software confirm fix for bugged Warzone Regiment invites

Liam Mackay
Raven Software fixing Warzone regiment invites

Warzone’s Regiment system has been bugged throughout Season 3 with players unable to receive invites. Raven Software has now confirmed a fix is coming for the problem.

Regiments are a great way to team up with your friends and meet new players in the Warzone community. Not only that, but you can also earn bonus XP by playing during Happy Hour and have a colored Clan Tag by matching it with your Regiment’s.

It’s been almost impossible to join new Regiments for some time now as a frustrating bug has stopped players from receiving invites. Raven Software have been aware of the issue, and have now confirmed that a fix is on the way.

Warzone regiments

Back in April, one of the updates seemed to have stopped Regiment invites from being delivered. After some popular members of the community such as YouTuber MarleyThirteen informed Raven Software that players weren’t receiving invites.

The developers responded on April 29, saying that “We’re looking into an ongoing issue where invitations to join a Regiment are not being received by players in Warzone.” Now, in June, Raven has finally scheduled the fix.

Tweeting on June 7, alongside the confirmation that DLSS has been fixed, Raven said “Regiment Invites will be fixed in an update coming next week.” They have also updated the card on their official Trello board to say: “Fix Scheduled.”

Warzone’s Season 4 update will be coming next week, which is almost guaranteed to be bringing various bug fixes. This all-but-confirms that Regiment invites will be fixed in the Season 4 update.

Make sure to check out Season 4’s official reveal on June 10 ahead of its launch on June 16th or 17th.

Image Credit: Activision