NICKMERCS explains why Fortune’s Keep is perfect for Warzone ranked mode

Liam Mackay
NICKMERCS and Warzone Fortune's Keep map

Warzone players have been asking for a ranked mode since the battle royale’s launch, with top streamer Nick ‘NICKMERCS’ Kolcheff often leading the calls. After enjoying Fortune’s Keep, he explained that it could be the perfect map for a ranked mode.

Warzone players have been desperate for a ranked mode where they can grind through the ranks and earn rewards, especially after the success of Iron Trials. While it doesn’t look like a ranked mode is set to arrive anytime soon, it doesn’t stop players from speculating what could be.

Top streamer NICKMERCS fell in love with Apex Legends and its ranked mode in 2021, leaving Warzone without looking back. Revisiting the game to check out Season 4‘s new Fortune’s Keep map, Nick explained how Fortune’s Keep has the perfect foundation for a Warzone ranked mode.

Lighthouse in Warzone Fortune's Keep map

NICKMERCS has been singing Fortune’s Keep’s praises, explaining that it’s more dynamic than Rebirth Island with the parkour being perfect for fast-paced players. However, without a ranked mode, Warzone couldn’t hold his interest and he went back to grinding Apex Legends ranked.

He pondered whether Fortune’s Keep would work for a Warzone ranked mode, and explained that he’d be game for it. But, he thinks Raven Software need to “introduce it carefully,” and explained how Fortune’s Keep would be great for ranked.

First, NICKMERCS said that Fortune’s Keep needs to be Trios and would need a lot more rotation and mobility items to make it work. He compared Warzone to Apex Legends and Fortnite, where there are a ton of character abilities and mobility items that keep players moving.

Raven Software have started introducing new mobility items such as the Redeploy Balloons, Underground Transit System, and the upcoming Portable Redeploy Balloon. He just feels that Fortune’s Keep needs much more mobility items but admits, “I don’t know what the play would be.”

While he said Fortune’s Keep is fun because it’s new, he thinks players “need something to play for” to stick around.

Warzone’s developers plan to add a ranked mode to the game but they want to “do it right.” There’s no update on when it could arrive, and it’s possible we’ll need to wait until Warzone 2 later in 2022.

Image Credit: Activision / Under Armour