New invisibility glitch found in Warzone Season 2

Hamza Khalid
Warzone SEason 2

The invisibility glitch has returned to Call of Duty: Warzone, and is ruining the game for players by making their opponents completely undetectable to the naked eye.

Call of Duty fans have a lot of new content to explore in Warzone Season 2, as the map has gone through a few changes, and we’ve seen the addition of brand new weapons. However, most game updates tend to be plagued with bugs, and this isn’t an exception.

It seems that the infamous invisibility glitch has return to the title yet again, as some fans have reported getting killed by enemies that they couldn’t see. Getting killed by a ghost can be particularly frustrating, and this problem is plaguing a few players.

Warzone Season 2

Warzone invisibility glitch returns

Glitches are often a mixed bag, as they can either be really fun or incredibly irritating. Warzone players mostly experience the latter when dealing with the invisibility bug which makes opponents completely undetectable to the naked eye.

Reddit user unvowed posted a clip showcasing this glitch in the Call of Duty: Warzone subreddit. In this thread, they were on a rooftop with their teammates, when an enemy suddenly started firing at them from the back.

They immediately turned around to face their opponent, only to find that they were completely invisible. The screen indicated that the gunfire was coming from directly where they were facing, but the enemy could not be seen.

Ultimately, there was nothing that the player could do about this, was quickly gunned down. The kill cam then confirmed that the opponent was right behind the player, but they were completely visible in the recap.

This makes it entirely possible that they were unaware that they were invisible. One player noted one major difference between this and the previous invisibility glitch, since the opponent made no noises that telegraphed their presence.

“I think it’s something else because the invisibility glitch made footstep noises” wrote FeelTheToxic72. A few of the commenters confirmed experiencing the same issue after the Warzone Season 2 update, and others theorized about what caused this to happen.

“I think that it may have something to do with the character model not loading in sometimes,” suggested one player. “I have seen this a few times before season 2 but the person will just suddenly pop up after I die.”

Warzone invisibility glitch

When players encounter a repetitive glitch like this, it demotivates them from playing further since there’s no point in performing well in a match if an invisible enemy will immediately take them out. The devs usually take these bugs seriously, but this one seems to keep popping up.

Hopefully, Treyarch and Activision will come up with a permanent fix that prevent this glitch from plaguing any future Warzone updates. We’ll keep you posted about any developments regarding this issue.

Image Credits: Activision/ Treyarch