FaZe Swagg & TimTheTatman hilariously troll nerfed Warzone hacker

Timothy ‘TimTheTatman’ John Betar, Kris ‘FaZe Swagg’ Lamberson, and Joseph ‘JoeWo’ Wohala hilariously trolled a powerless Warzone hacker.
Some Warzone players still have qualms over the efficiency of Warzone’s RICOCHET anti-cheat, but there’s no denying that it has rendered many cheaters completely useless. We’ve already seen cases of live in-game nerfs that make Warzone hackers unable to spot enemy players.
A different type of in-game nerf can also make hackers’ bullets completely ineffective against enemy players. This exact nerf is what led FaZe Swagg and TimTheTatman to rub salt in the wound of a Warzone hacker.

Warzone devs previously claimed that while RICOCHET is currently active in-game, the anti-cheat is only going to get better at detecting and eliminating cheaters as the software advances. Nonetheless, it is still plenty capable of nerfing hackers in its current state.
Top Warzone streamers FaZe Swagg, TimTheTatman, and JoeWo were making their way across Caldera when they suddenly came across a hacker. The usual disappointment of coming face to face with a hacker looked and sounded slightly more upbeat this time around.
The trio surrounds the hacker but none of the streamers take them down. Instead, the hacker shoots at the streamers before realizing that their bullets deliver no damage.
TimTheTatman hilariously mocks the cheater by mimicking the probable panic at the moment they realized their cheats were useless, “It’s not working, it’s not working. I don’t know what’s going on man.”
The three players then proceed to toy with the hacker by trapping them in a corner. Finally, the hacker finds a brief moment to escape before the streamers perform a finishing move on the target and put an end to their misery.
As RICOCHET continues to evolve, players should continue to come across instances of hackers being nerfed live in-game. Hopefully, players will have the benefit of an anti-cheat with the release of the rumored Warzone 2.
Image Credit: Activision / FaZe Swagg / TimTheTatman