Crazy Warzone glitch stops players throwing C4 through broken windows

Matt Porter
Warzone player throwing C4 through broken window

A frustrating Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 glitch is making it impossible for players to throw C4 explosives through windows, even though they’ve been broken before they were thrown.

Warzone remains the most popular battle royale in the world, with players flocking to Verdansk time and time again in search of victories.

Unfortunately, the game is struggling with some major glitches that are having a severe effect on players’ enjoyment. Bugs like the ability to see enemies through walls after competing in the Gulag or a Sniper optic glitch that makes the game unplayable are becoming so common that fans have created the “Fix Warzone” movement.

Unfortunately, fans have discovered another issue that is making combat even harder, with C4s getting stuck to windows even when they are broken.

An explosion going off in Warzone.

Thanks to a clip uploaded to the CoDWarzone subreddit on April 11, we can see that there is something wrong with windows in Season 2, with an invisible barrier stopping the explosive item from being thrown out the window, even though the smashed remnants of the glass can be seen.

User benjigoodson can be seen peaking out of a building in the circular housing estate near Hills, when an enemy appears in the garden and starts firing at them. After some quick thinking, the player pulls out a C4 and lobs it towards the open window, expecting it to fly out, land at the feet of their enemy, and explode.

Unfortunately, the explosive just freezes in mid-air when it reaches where the glass would have been before it was broken, with the explosion knocking benjigoodson down, and leaving him incredibly confused.

As for what caused this issue, nobody is quite sure. One commenter on the post claimed that it seems to be an issue with every window, saying that they were unable to ping items or locations through windows, while another believes this problem is specific to Hills.

Unsurprisingly, fans of the game are clamoring for this to be addressed, as it essentially puts players at a disadvantage even though they have cover as they cannot use any tactical or explosive items to aid them during a fight.

Raven Software have yet to respond to this glitch, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated as any new information becomes available.

Image Credits: Raven Software / Activision