CoD players worried Modern Warfare 2’s detailed footstep audio will make MP “unbearable”

Liam Mackay
Modern Warfare 2 operators breaching door

Modern Warfare 2 devs Infinity Ward detailed how their footstep audio will have “improved 3D directionality,” but CoD players are already worried that it’ll ruin multiplayer’s flow.

While Modern Warfare 2019 ushered the franchise into a new era, one of its biggest complaints was the footstep audio. Without a Perk like Ninja to permanently muffle footsteps, many felt that Modern Warfare’s pace was severely slowed down by players camping and listening out for footsteps.

Modern Warfare 2’s developers gave players insight into their new audio design for the game, and players are already worried that the detailed footstep sounds will bring the same pacing as its predecessor.

Stephen Miller, Infinity Ward‘s Audio Director, said you can “hunt players by footsteps and get the surprise on them as they come around a corner,” and many didn’t like the sound of that.

One player summed up their feelings by just saying “oh god,” in response to hunting players by footsteps. Another questioned: “How are you actively hunting someone if you’re waiting for them to come around a corner?”

“You can literally hear footsteps over gunfire in MW19 and now they made them even more noticeable,” complained Twitter user GlutesTK.

“Oh great, improved foot sound directionality, meaning everyone is gonna play campy as f*ck and avoid moving,” explained another Twitter user. “Unless Dead Silence comes back as a perk the MP is gonna be unbearable.”

Many said it won’t be so bad if there’s a Perk like Dead Silence or Ninja but we’ll need to wait and see which system Infinity Ward have decided to go for.

Ultimately, we won’t know exactly how the improved footstep audio plays out until we get our hands on the beta on September 16, but with the lack of footstep audio being a common complaint in Warzone, players may actually prefer the louder steps.

Image Credit: Activision