How to get Daily 2XP Token Rewards in Black Ops Cold War Season 4

Andrew Highton
cod cold war daily xp tokens

Cold War players have been incentivized by Treyarch to complete specific objectives to earn Daily 2XP Tokens in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 4. Here’s how you can earn them for yourself.

Everyone loves XP on top of the normal amount they earn. Whilst Call of Duty is always a blast to play, sometimes players are desperate to Prestige a lot quicker, earning more Prestige keys in the process, and leveling up new weapons like the OTs 9 SMG faster.

There are always plenty of extra XP opportunities due to the regularity of Double XP Weekends, but outside of these limited windows, XP Tokens also provide a nice buffer too.

So Treyarch had decided to give players a chance to earn Daily 2XP Tokens in Black Ops Cold War Season 4, and our guide will highlight how.

How to unlock Daily 2XP Tokens in Cold War Season 4

weaver firing his gun in cold war

The beauty of a 2XP Token is that the user is not constrained by a timeframe to use it, meaning they can be used at any point to suit the right occasion.

Freedom to use them whenever is a desirable quality and makes the prospect of earning many Daily 2XP Tokens more tempting.

As per Treyarch’s official Twitter account: “Completing your first Daily Challenge in MP or Zombies will now unlock a new 2XP or 2XWP Token each day. Be sure to complete at least one Daily Challenge every day to maximize your XP gains.”

So to reiterate, complete a Daily Challenge once per day to earn a 2XP Token. There doesn’t seem to be any restrictions on which type of Daily Challenge you need to complete.

Easiest Daily Challenges to do in Cold War Season 4

jackal operator in cod cold war

Some challenges are going to be more cumbersome than others. So if you’re stuck for time and can’t get in a few games of Call of Duty for the day, then follow these tips.

These are the quickest and easiest ways to earn Double XP Tokens in Cold War Season 4:

  • Black Ops Cold War: Choose a smaller mode like Face-Off and find a challenge that requires X kills with a certain class of weapon, or an easy equipment task such as stunning enemies.
  • Zombies: Killing X Zomies with a certain class is the way to go here as you can load up Outbreak, run around the map and score these kills in no time at all.

Hopefully, these tips will serve you well, and you can rack up a serious amount of 2XP Tokens to speed up your Season Levels and Weapon Levels.

Also, check out when the next Double XP Event is.

Image Credit: Activision / Treyarch / Raven Software

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