Dr Disrespect reveals the Battlefield 2042 issue he’s already worried about

Hamza Khalid
Dr Disrespect and Battlefield 2042

There’s a ton of hype for Battlefield 2042 after we got a closer look at it during E3 2021, but Dr Disrespect has revealed that there’s already an issue with the game that’s bothering him.

EA and DICE have finally given fans a proper look at the upcoming Battlefield 2042 during E3 2021. They presented the game’s dramatic reveal trailer, as well as some cool new gameplay footage, fueling fan speculation about the game.

Dr Disrespect has also weighed in on the upcoming title, stating that it could potentially be an “all-time great game.” However, he’s worried about the game’s graphics after taking a good look at them during the game’s reveals.

battlefield 2042 gameplay

The popular streamer was examining the new gameplay trailer, frequently pausing to inspect the graphics. After a bit of analysis, he voiced his thoughts on what he considers to be a big issue with Battlefield 2042.

“So this [clip] is on Xbox, I assume? I think what I have to do is, when it comes to Battlefield 2042, is lower my expectations and, hopefully, that means they exceed them.”

The streamer kept adjusting his video settings, and admitted that he wasn’t even sure if the footage was in 4K quality. “I’ve gotta be honest though, sorry, I do; I’ve seen better graphics on my old Xbox 360 man!”

Timestamp at 26.34

A few fans agreed with Doc’s assessment of the game’s graphics, stating that Battlefield 2042 doesn’t look “next-gen” as EA claimed it would in the initial marketing.

Dr Disrespect has previously stated that Battlefield 2042 needs to release a battle royale, which the developers have made it clear won’t happen at launch. He believes that adding one could be the key to rivalling Warzone’s success.

If you’re curious about what DICE have planned for the game’s massive scale multiplayer, be sure to check out how to access the game’s Beta ahead of launch.

Image credits: DICE/EA