Powerful Apex Legends glitch allows players to carry active Heat Shields on their head

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends heatshield

A new powerful glitch has been found in Apex Legends after the Season 14 update which sticks Heat Shields on top of the character.

A new season of Apex Legends doesn’t just mean a new Legend, it also usually means new bugs and issues for the devs to fix.

While the Apex Legends Season 14 update launched smoothly, players have noticed some odd glitches and issues, such as characters having the wrong abilities and Wattson being unable to place her fences.

Now, players have found a bug in Season 14 which puts Heat Shields on the player’s head, which is actually very strong.

apex legends Heat Shield

Reddit user JomzYT put a video up in the Apex Legends subreddit showing off this new Heat Shield glitch, along with the caption “Apparently you can now put heatshields on your head!”

In the video, the player goes to place a Heat Shield down when it miraculously lands on their head and stays with them while they move.

Heat Shields are extremely useful in Apex Legends, as they protect you from the ring and can often save you or your teammate’s life, giving you time to heal up before making your way back into the ring.

Usually, they are placed on the floor, and can not be moved. However, with this glitch, the player is free to move around and remain protected by the Heat Shield, which is stuck to their head.

The fact that the player can move around with the Heat Shield makes this bug very powerful, leaving some in the comments of the post jokingly saying that “it’s a feature,” and a “buff.”

According to one of the users in the comments, this bug is associated with Vantage and could be to do with her winged companion Echo: “This is a thing that happens with Vantage at times, I accidentally pinged myself and my own echo earlier today. Seems like Echo stays physical even when holstered, this leaves one question. Rampart turret on Echo?”

Perhaps the Heat Shield was attached to Echo, as the player had not called the bat out. This has players reminiscing about similar bugs with Crypto and his drone: “Oh gosh, I remember when we had that bug with Crypto. That was funny, flying around on your turret shooting at people.”

Although it doesn’t seem like a major issue, Respawn will likely get this patched up as soon as possible. For more on Apex Legends, check out what NICKMERCS had to say about the Valkyrie nerfs in Season 14.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment