Apex Legends pro claims Season 13 ranked changes will make you a better player

Joseph Pascoulis
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After receiving backlash, Apex Legends pro Mac ‘Albralelie’ Beckwith has shared his thoughts on the new Season 13 ranked system, claiming it will improve players.

Apex Legends Season 13 brought some drastic changes to the ranked system, changing the way players gain points and grind through the ranks.

Previously, the system had been more focused on kills, but the new system places emphasis on placement. This has made it harder for players to earn points and level up, as the lobbies have become much more competitive in the final zones.

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In Apex Legends Season 13’s Ranked Leagues, players are encouraged to stay alive and play for the win, rather than getting a load of kills. This had led to more squads and players being alive in final circles, making it harder to gain points.

While the community hasn’t been particularly fond of these changes, seasoned Apex Legends pro Albralelie gave his opinions on this new system, supporting the dev’s changes while making some controversial comments.

In a recent stream, the Apex Legends pro shared his feelings towards the changes, believing the new ranked changes are healthy for the game, which is contrary to the community’s reaction.

Ultimately, the pro feels as if the new changes are going to make players better at the game. Albralelie says that the new system “caters to you being able to actually improve as you climb…don’t get defeated.”

The streamer and Apex pro also made some interesting comments on solo players while answering a question about whether solo players should be able to reach the higher ranks.

The pro makes a controversial statement: “should a solo player be able to reach Masters in a team-based competitive BR? Just because it happened before doesn’t mean it was supposed to happen, right?”

It’s interesting to hear a professional Apex Legends player’s take on the new ranked system, especially as casual players have been pretty upset with the changes. All in all, the pro feels it will make players better, and even if players are now in lower ranks than they’re used to, they should use it as motivation to improve.

For more on Apex Legends, check out the best landing spots on Storm Point for Season 13.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment