Apex Legends players want Pathfinder Passive from mobile

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends mobile pathfinder

Apex Legends players on PC and console have wanted a new Passive for Pathfinder for some time now, and the mobile version of the battle royale may have the answer.

Apex Legends Mobile has hit the ground running, with loads of content at launch including an exclusive Legend, Fade, who has some great abilities.

PC and console players have been slightly jealous about some of the features seen in Apex Mobile, wanting them included in the main version of the game despite getting an exciting new Legend in Newcastle.

Now, some are even suggesting that one of Pathfinder’s mobile-exclusive abilities should become his new Passive on PC and console.

Apex Legends Recon class

For those who are unaware, Pathfinder’s Passive has been extremely underwhelming for some time now, as the ability to scan Survey Beacons and reveal the next zone.

This is something that all Recon Legends can do, so the community has been calling for Pathfinder to have something more personalized for the Legend.

The devs did expand on this slightly, as now Pathfinder gets his Ultimate back after scanning, which isn’t the case for all the other Recon Legends.

Popular Apex Legends content creator TheGamingMerchant put out a video suggesting an idea for Pathfinder’s Passive, which is inspired by Apex Legends Mobile.

In Apex Legends Mobile, every Legend has a perk system that gives them new abilities and added benefits. One of Pathfinder’s is the ability to pull downed teammates with his grapple, which is called “Friend Reunion.”

TheGamingMerchant thinks this would be a great Passive for Pathfinder in the main game. This would give Pathfinder an added role of support, pulling downed teammates in to cover for a safe revive.

We’ll have to wait and see what the devs do to Pathfinder’s Passive in the future, as it’s unlikely that changes will be coming for the Legend anytime soon.

For more, check out whether or not the mobile-exclusive Legends will be coming to the PC and console versions of Apex Legends.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment