Apex Legends players call for gifting system to be removed after “stealing money”

Joseph Pascoulis
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The Apex Legends community is disappointed with the gifting system in Season 15, claiming that the feature is broken and stealing money from players.

Apex Legends has a huge player base that continues to grow with new seasons and content updates such as the upcoming Lunar New Year Collection Event.

Since its release, Respawn Entertainment have been dedicated to constantly evolving Apex Legends and bringing changes that make sense and please the community. Apex Legends has many great features introduced off the back of community comments, such as the in-game damage counter and the ability to rejoin games.

Unfortunately, not all of these community-requested features are a hit once introduced, as the gifting system brought to Apex Legends in Season 15 has left players dissatisfied.

Many players have reported that this new gifting system, which is supposed to allow players to purchase cosmetic items for others, is broken and “stealing money.”

Reddit user macncheesyy10 claims that they attempted to gift their friend a “pathfinder skin a month ago and they never received it.” In disbelief, they then tried to gift a cheaper item, which also didn’t work, leading them to feel as if the devs are “legit stealing money.”

They aren’t the only ones reporting this problem either, as others in the comments are expressing similar frustrations with the “useless” gifting system. One user says “Its been months Still no solution,” while another comment says that the feature “never has” worked, and “never will.”

While this issue is ongoing, and players are literally paying money for a service that is not working, popular Apex Legends content creator Thordan Smash believes that Respawn Entertainment should “remove the gifting system until its fixed.”

Ultimately, this would prevent players from “losing their money” as many who want to use the feature are still unaware about it not working.

What makes the situation more complicated, is that some players are actually claiming that the gifting feature is working for them, as one comment under Thordan’s post reads “fortunately for me it has worked every single time.”

This makes it even more unclear as to what is causing the feature not to work, and for those who’d like to use it, it’s almost like a lottery for whether it will go through or not.

As we are now in the new year, we expect a lot of changes for Apex Legends as the devs return from the Holiday break. We’ll keep you updated on all things Apex, including any updates regarding the gifting system.

For now, check out our guide on Apex Legends Season 16, including its start date and potential new Legend.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment