Apex Legends devs compare Broken Moon’s scale to World’s Edge

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends broken moon map

Respawn Entertainment have officially revealed that the new Apex Legends Season 15 map is called Broken Moon, providing details on the map’s size and comparing it to the beloved World’s Edge map.

Apex Legends players have been dying to hear new details about Apex Legends Season 15, not only when it comes to the new Legend Catalyst, but also the new BR map, which has officially been revealed as Broken Moon.

Players who managed to craft a Golden Ticket have already seen a sneak peek of some of the map’s POIs, but now Respawn have revealed further details about the map’s full scale and design.

It seems the devs have learned from Storm Point, feeling as if the map was “a little large” causing a quiet mid-game. Thus, they have decided to go back to their “roots” with Broken Moon, comparing the scale to what many feel is Apex Legends’ best map, World’s Edge.

During the Apex Legends press event, Respawn revealed that the scale of Broken Moon is “slightly larger than World’s Edge.” After Storm Point, the devs felt that they wanted to return to a scale they know works.

As stated in the press meeting, Respawn feel that Broken Moon’s scale “really provides a strong baseline for the pacing and feel of the game and the player count.”

The devs also revealed that there are much bigger POIs on Broken Moon, which should help “reduce hot drop dog piles” where loads of teams land in a POI and die very quickly.

The devs feel these bigger POIs will give players more options and space to land, allowing teams to loot up and get set before engaging.

Players will be able to jump into Broken Moon come November 1, when Apex Legends Season 15 officially launches. For now, check out our guide on the new Zip Rails that the map has to offer.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment