Apex Legends devs announce plans to fix server issues

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends servers

The Apex Legends devs have revealed their plans for fixing the server issues that players have been experiencing through Season 10.

Apex Legends Season 11 is almost here, promising brand new content such as the new Legend Ash, Storm Point, and the C.A.R SMG.

Unfortunately, Season has been hindered by some serious server issues, and players have had a real rough time playing the game, especially those who play ranked.

That being said, the developers have released a statement regarding the issue, promising fixes.

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The serious issues started to affect players during the Evolution Collection Event, which caused players to consistently experience lag, error codes and even crashes.

Some players couldn’t even get past the home screen, causing mass outrage. The developers responded with some hotfixes and eventually things stabilized, but not completely.

Even now players are still experiencing a variety of server issues, but the recent statement from Respawn confirms that they are working on it.

The statement was uploaded to Twitter by alphaINTEL, and it outlines the hard work the developers have been putting in behind the scenes to help the situation.

One thing Respawn Entertainment has always been good at is communicating with the community and letting them know what’s going on.

Whenever there are major issues, Respawn and the developers are always happy to put out a statement and explain what the issue is and how they will be fixing it.

When it comes to this recent statement, it’s clear the focus is on “doubling down” on their efforts to make sure the servers are more stable and able to withstand future updates such as Season 11, increasing their “dedicated server teams.”

One thing that they definitely don’t want is for Season 11’s launch to be ruined by server issues. It seems to be a main priority for the developers to improve the servers, so hopefully, players will see the results.

For more on Apex Legends, make sure you check out our article on how to use the new Hop-Up Dual Shell.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment