Apex Legends devs announce commitment to fixing major server issues

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends net code server issues

Apex Legends has had ongoing problems with server and net code issues. However, it does seem that they are trying their best to communicate with the community and plan improvements.

Over the last two years, Apex Legends players have experienced severe server and net code issues that many have complained about since release.

Of course, these issues are extremely complicated and won’t be fixed overnight. However, more communication between the developers and the community could bring light and positivity to the manner, allowing a better understanding of the ongoing issues.

apex legends server status

Apex Legends director of communications, Ryan K. Rigney (@RKRigney on Twitter), revealed that he had been working with the Apex engineers to create a new developer blog concerning, “servers, net code, and tickrate.”

We have seen similar dev blog posts in the past concerning patch notes, future updates, and the most recent video with Jason McCord concerning Apex Legends hackers and cheaters.

This new dev blog is said to be coming out in two weeks and will attempt to acknowledge and explain the “biggest issues” concerning servers, net code, and tick rate, as well as “exploring recent/upcoming improvements.”

Ryan Rigney says he is expecting a mixed reaction, mainly because he knows players want overnight fixes for all Apex Legends server issues – which aren’t possible. The dev blog won’t promise “revolutionary changes immediately,” but it will allow better insight and communication with the community.


Pro Apex Legends player, NRG Rogue, responded to his tweets, essentially stating that it will not satisfy the community of the “14-24-year-old Apex Legends market.”

Just like Rogue, who says he is not “too techy” in understanding such issues, the majority of the community are likely to be similar. The information offered may be overlooked, or not fully understood.

Either way, more communication between the devs and engineers for Apex Legends can hardly be negative, so we look forward to seeing the information provided.

For more news on Apex Legends and the upcoming War Games event, arriving today at around 10am PST and 6pm GMT, stay tuned on Charlie Intel.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment