Report: New YouTube policy suggests Call of Duty montage videos can no longer be monetized

Keshav Bhat

Polygon has reported that, last week, YouTube has started to roll out new content policies for content creators. This new policy might result in a reduced amount of montages that YouTubers might make, highlighting their best Call of Duty clips.

Apparently, this new policy will restrict content creators from monetizing montage based videos.

For example, if a user has put together a list of their best kills in a game like Call of Duty or Battlefield, YouTube reserves the right to not assign advertising to that specific video.

YouTube’s new advertising policy states, “Violence in the normal course of video gameplay is generally acceptable for advertising, but montages where gratuitous violence is the focal point is not.”

YouTube has been making numerous changes to their ad policy these past few months. Another issue some Call of Duty YouTubers have also been facing is reduced revenue from Call of Duty: WWII based videos because the game is a World War II shooter.

While these new changes might effect montages, YouTube made it clear that they will still allow monetizing of regular videos and Let’s Play series.

SOURCE: Polygon // Google