XDefiant dev responds to calls for CoD Killstreaks to be added

Joseph Pascoulis
xdefiant ghost recon faction ultimate ability

XDefiant shares similar multiplayer FPS gameplay to Call of Duty, and now one of its devs has responded to the question of Killstreaks being added to the game.

XDefiant’s closed beta is now over, but while it was live, players immersed themselves in Ubisoft’s exciting new free-to-play FPS game, often comparing it to Call of Duty‘s multiplayer experience.

Even popular content creator Jev broke down the key areas he believes that XDefiant is already beating Call of Duty in. Despite the game modes, gunplay, and weapon variety being similar, XDefiant is different in many ways.

One of its unique selling points is the connection to various Ubisoft game franchises such as Far Cry and The Division through the Factions and their abilities. Further, distancing itself from Call of Duty even more so, the closed beta didn’t feature any Killstreaks, which is a staple system in CoD.

This led to some questions from the community wondering whether the devs plan on bringing Killstreaks to the game, and so Executive Producer at Ubisoft, Mark Rubin, who is also coincidently an ex-Call of Duty developer, provided an answer.

Mark Rubin stated that the devs “don’t currently have plans for Killstreaks,” however, he does mention the possibility of adding a unique mode that has a similar mechanic.

The dev asked the community, “what if we made a mode where 3 kills got you your ability and 7 your Ultra or something along those lines.” Users in the comments have “mixed feelings” about this, as many actually feel the lack of Killstreaks is healthy for the game.

One comment even said, “anytime killstreaks are implemented, I fear that it encourages people to stay put in order to get those kills.”

Mark Rubin’s comments make it clear that there are no plans to bring Killstreaks to XDefiant, but it’s possible we may see a mode in which players earn their abilities through a similar system.

For more, check out whether XDefiant will have a battle royale mode and our guide to the game’s Ranked Play.

Image Credits: Ubisoft