Palworld map explained: All POIs, size, regions, more

Lucas Simons
Palworld panoramic view

Moving through the map of Palworld is not as easy as it seems, so here’s a detailed guide to Palworld’s map, with useful information about regions, points of interest, navigation tips, and more.

Palworld takes the open-world experience to a whole new level, with tons of areas to explore across its vast map. As this survival game gains more and more fans, more players will start to roam through the Palpagos Islands in search of cool Pals to add to their collections, and Legendary Bosses to beat.

But moving through the Palworld map can be a little bit tricky, especially if you don’t have a mount with you. That’s why we have put together a guide on how to move through the Palworld map, with points of interest, some navigation tips, and more.

Here’s Palworld’s full map explained with details on each area.

How big is Palworld’s map?

Desert Area Palworld
The Desert Area in the Palpagos Islands will require you to have heat-resistant clothes.

Palworld’s map is around 16 square kilometers (16.5), which is nearly six square miles (6.37). The map is not so big in comparison to other open-world games like Zelda: Breath of The Wild.

The main feature of Palworld’s map is the distribution of its zones and the level of difficulty of each of them. We have divided the map into several main areas (or biomes) and sub-regions for each of them.

Palworld map areas: All regions & locations

The Palworld map is divided into four main areas, and eight sub-regions.

  • Starter Archipelago: Coast and Mountain Central Forests
  • Volcanic Area: Mount Obsidian and Fisherman’s Coastal Area
  • Glacier Area: Winter Forest and Snowy Mountains
  • Desert Area: Plains and Rocky Mountains

There are also several islands circling around the main areas, which are detailed in the POI section below.

Every Palworld POI

Here are some of the major points of interest on Palworld’s map, you can check out each of them detailed in the map below.

Palworld Map
The Palpagos Islands Map is divided into four main regions and eight sub-regions.
  1. Tower of the Rayne Syndicate
  2. Falls Mineshaft
  3. Mount Obsidian
  4. Tower of the Brothers of the Eternal Pyre
  5. Sealed Realm of the Stalwart
  6. Frostbound Mountains
  7. Tower of the Free Pal Alliance
  8. Verdant Brook
  9. Iceberg Mineshaft
  10. Forgotten Mineshaft
  11. Tower of the PAL Genetic Research Unit
  12. Desiccated Mineshaft
  13. Tower of the PIDF
  14. Secret Mineshaft
  15. The Furthest Mineshaft
  16. N01 Wildlife Sanctuary (Island)
  17. N02 Wildlife Sanctuary (Island)
  18. N03 Wildlife Sanctuary (Island)

Palworld map navigation & tips

Here are some Palworld tips to make navigation through the Palpagos Islands a walk in the park. Be mindful of your level though, it is going to take some time to adapt to Palworld’s level/difficulty spread, so here’s what you need to do.

Flying in Palworld
Having a Flying mount changes everything, be mindful of your Pal’s stamina though.

To make Palworld map navigation more comfortable for you, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Look for a fast starter mount like Eikthydeer, Rushoar, or Direhowl. These Pals have a Riding Accessory which can be unlocked quite early (Lvl 10-12).
  • Next, look for a Nitewing, which will be your first flying mount, (Lvl 12-14). Having a Flying Mount will unlock access to several areas, but be mindful of the stamina of your mounts.
  • Flying mounts can also traverse water areas without expending stamina by moving at regular speed as if they were on the ground.
  • Improve your Stamina stat. This will aid you with actions like climbing, gliding, running, and swimming (200 should suffice, but if you want to have it easy, take it to 250).
  • Unlock the Grappling Gun using Ancient Technology Points. This gadget and its improved version will help you reach the highest regions and save a lot of stamina.
  • Improve the Glider each time you can. Gliders come in various levels, and each level will improve handling, speed, and stamina consumption. You can also have the effects of an improved Glider by unlocking the Gloves for pals like Celaray, Hangyu, and Galeclaw.
  • Teleport points are spread all across the map, and marked once you enter a 250 m. radius of them, be sure to unlock each of them once you see one.
  • You can also try respawning in various of the spawn points all across the map, to unlock new areas and Teleport Points.
  • Exploring the higher tier areas like the Desert and Glacier will require climate-resistant clothes, so unlock those recipes whenever you need them. You can also improve your resistance by equipping Accessories you can find in Dungeons or through Merchants.

That’s all you need to know about Palworld’s map. Now go out there and explore leisurely, but don’t forget to check out our guides for more useful tips and advice:

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About The Author

Lucas is a Games Writer for CharlieIntel, specializing in covering Pokemon, including Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Pokemon Go, and Pokemon TCG. A former Game Reviewer and PR Liaison for HD Tecnologia (ARG), Lucas is also an Audiovisual Media Producer, Game Designer, Narrative Designer, and author, having published several books including Press Start, a guide to video game writing and world building. You can contact him at [email protected].