Warzone devs add feature that tells you if a hacker was in your game

Season 5 has seen various changes be made to Call of Duty: Warzone, with one of the latest concerning how the game’s kill feed updates players when a player is banned.
Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 is officially underway, and it has brought various changes to the battle royale game, such as the new Combat Scout and Tempered perks and an array of weapon buffs and nerfs.
One of the latest changes that have been applied to Warzone in Season 5 deals with the kill feed and how it informs players when it comes to players being banned in the middle of a match.

Previously, when a player was banned when playing in a Warzone match, the kill feed would just state that the player had been disconnected, which could appear to a player looking at the kill feed that perhaps that player’s internet connection went down or something else in that manner that would cause a disconnection.
However, Raven Software changed the kill feed regarding what players see when a player is banned in the middle of a game. Now, the kill feed will state that the player has indeed been banned instead of saying they were disconnected.
Raven Software recently stated that it would have more information coming in the future regarding its plans to combat hackers after it had revealed it had banned 50,000 accounts during its latest ban wave of accounts caught hacking.
This change will allow players to know that a player had been hacking in their lobby and that they were banned live for cheating, but still does not provide an overall fix for the biggest issue faced in the popular Call of Duty battle royale since it was released.
At least, players can now get confirmation that a player had been cheating in their match if they were suspicious but had not yet been able to find absolute proof of the hacking.
For more Warzone, check out the details for the upcoming Call of Duty: Vanguard Battle of Verdansk reveal event, and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Image Credits: Activision