Here are the top five Wonder Weapons in all of Treyarch Call of Duty Zombies

Jeffrey Mizrahi

From World at War to Black Ops 4, these are the top 5 Wonder Weapons in Treyarch’s Call of Duty Zombies

When Treyarch first brought to life the Zombies game mode in 2008 with Call of Duty World at War, they didn’t skimp on style. While almost all the guns at your disposal on Nacht der Untoten were based on real life weapons, the developers sneaked in a tasty treat known as the Ray Gun. A gun pulled straight out of the sci-fi pulp magazines of yesteryear, this became Call of Duty’s first Wonder Weapon.

With over 50 Wonder Weapons featured throughout five Treyarch titles, it may be hard to keep track of them all. To help you remember which ones still reign supreme, here are my top five (in no order) Wonder Weapons I have ever had the pleasure to lay hands on.

Thunder Gun

Featured here in the Mystery Box on Revelations (image via

More canon than gun, the Thunder Gun was many players first Wonder Weapon. For those whose Zombies career began on Kino der Toten, this gun holds a special place in their hearts.

With infinite damage at close range, the Thunder Gun could take out a whole train of zombies in one blast. When upgraded to the Zeus Cannon, this gun gains increased reload speeds and an extra two blasts per clip.

While this baby may be too much to handle for some more novice players, the Thunder Gun was a must have weapon for anyone attempting high rounds on Kino and Ascension.

Monkey Bombs

“Can someone throw a Monkey and revive me!” (image via

Arguably the most recognizable Wonder Weapon in Call of Duty history, the Monkey Bomb is an outright necessity in most Zombies map. A tactical grenade that distracts all zombies around it, allowing you to reload, run away, or just rest your hands for a couple seconds.

While it does take a few seconds to wind up before throwing, it has the potential to create moments that players will never forget.

Getting cornered by a hoard of zombies with no ammo, realizing you’re seconds away from going down, then releasing a monkey from your hands to save the day. That’s what Zombies is about.


WunderWaffe DG-2

Wunderwaffe DG-2 in first person (image via

The quintessential experiment of a crazy German scientist, the WunderWaffe DG-2 shoots straight electricity.

While the Thundergun sends Zombies flying out of the map, the WunderWaffe would electrify whole swarms of them right in front of you, adding a certain kind of flavor that the Zombies mode continues to embrace.

Even though it was first introduced on Shi No Numa, it perfectly mimics the look and feel of Der Riese with the electric bulbs and spikes matching the teleporter’s design.

Gersh Device

“Please… Help me… She’s coming! The mechanism must be repaired.” (image via

The map Ascension didn’t really care to be all that conventional. The first map to not include one of the main four perks, Double Tap, and instead replace it with two new ones also had the bravery to replace Monkey Bombs with a new contraption.

The Gersh Device, like the WunderWaffe DG-2, is another example of a Wonder Weapon that embraces the map, and story, surrounding it. Created by the eponymous Dr. Gersh, players use this device to free him as part of the maps easter egg quest.

Though it takes a tad longer to throw than a Monkey Bomb, the visually stunning portal it creates is worth the wait. Sucking up all zombies around it, this feels like the Monkey Bombs on steroid. While it’s unfortunate we don’t see it on more maps, I think the rarity makes it that much better.


The guns handle is a foot. ‘Nuff said. (image via

There has not been a Wonder Weapon that has provided as much laughs, rage, and overall fun more than the Sliquifier. Exclusively found in Black Ops II’s Die Rise map, this gun shoots purple liquid that causes players and zombies to slip and slide around the floor.

In higher rounds, when camping with three friends on the roof with this gun, chaos is sure to ensue. Whether you’re causing your friends to slip straight into zombie hoards, or you’re the one slipping on your friends liquid, the whole lobby is in for a wild time.

Outside the hilarity, in a skilled players hands, the Sliquifier can chain kill ridiculous amounts of zombies with one blast. Bundle that in with the fact that it’s extremely easy to build, this Wonder Weapon deserves its place on the top five.

Does your top five match mine? Let us know in the comments below how you would rank your top five Wonder Weapons in Treyarch Zombies!