Destiny 2: Beyond Light’s final boss defeated in awesome no-gun raid

Andrew Highton

That’s right, Taniks, The Abomination has been toppled by a fireteam that didn’t fire a single gun. If you don’t believe us, we even have the full video documenting how Destiny 2: Beyond Light’s raid boss was legitimately beaten without the use of weapons.

The Deep Stone Crypt Raid in Beyond Light introduced some new tougher, puzzling elements that, when added to the grand scheme of things, push Destiny players to adapt and overcome. As a result, some people are still struggling to harness the raid’s unique concepts.

But for every thousand people that may struggle with something, there’s always those few that just get it – and embarrass it. This is exactly what Twitter user CommanderCuesta and his buddies have managed to achieve.

CommanderCuesta and team fighting Taniks, the Abomination in Destiny 2: Beyond Light

No weapons? No problem

Bungie publishes a weekly “This Week at Bungie” blog post that rounds up news, cool stuff, and videos to certify a “Movie of the Week“. It’s a great honor that many Destiny 2 players do their best to try and achieve.

So CommanderCuesta and his friends wondered how they could possibly be noticed by Bungie, beating their new raid boss without firing a weapon may just do the trick.

The near 9-minute video has been uploaded to YouTube and shows the full Fireteam working together, using melee attacks, and mastering the Warlock sub-class to take down enemies and Taniks himself.

Just to note, this is only them beating the final boss of the Deep Stone Crypt raid without weapons – not the whole raid itself. Whether you can defeat the entire raid without firing a weapon remains to be seen. It could even be a challenge for another day.

CommanderCuesta took to Twitter to revel in his, and his team’s, accomplishments and even tagged Bungie and their Senior Community Manager in the post too.

It’s unclear whether they are the first team to pull off such a feat with Taniks, The Abomination, but regardless, you would have to think that Bungie will have seen this.

It will not only encourage other players to attempt similar efforts but surely net this team a spot in the Movie of the Week.