Apex Legends players discover secret Wattson nerf

Hamza Khalid
Horizon and Wattson in Apex Legends

A hidden nerf has been discovered within Wattson’s ultimate ability in Apex Legends, that keeps it from countering Horizon.

Horizon has made rounds in Apex Legends ever since her arrival in Season 7. She’s one of the strongest characters in the game and has such a high win-rate that the devs nerfed her in Chaos Theory update, with more planned in the future.

However, some pros and streamers feel that she’s too powerful, as it’s extremely difficult to defeat her in combat. Now, a new secret nerf has been found that keeps Wattson from countering Horizon’s moves.

Wattson in Apex Legends

Wattson’s an extremely useful character in the Apex Legends roster, as her Interception Pylon ultimate ability can counter almost anything that enemies throw at her.

This is particularly useful against Horizon’s Black Hole Ultimate, as well as her Gravity Lift. However, a few players have noted that Wattson’s abilities aren’t functioning properly recently, making her weak against the eccentric astrophysicist.

Reddit user mrsirgo posted a clip showcasing this issue in the Apex Legends subreddit. Many other players vented about their own experience with this problem in the comments.

“Definitely died a couple times to this last night,” said one player. “My spouse mains Wattson and I was shocked when a Horizon ult landed right next to the Pylon and a squad was able to push us. Hopefully, the Devs will look into it.”

At the time of writing, the issue isn’t listed on Respawn’s public Trello board, so they might not be aware of the issue yet. Hopefully, they’ll take notice of this, and present a fix for it soon.

We’ll keep checking for any updates on this situation, and will let you know once we learn anything new.

Image Credits: Respawn/EA