Modern Warfare January 28 Update – Playlists, Weapon Updates, And More

Infinity Ward has released the latest playlist update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
With this playlist update, Infinity Ward has added in a new playlist, alongside rotating the current 24/7 playlist in the game.
Here’s what was updated:
- NEW Playlist: Deathmatch Domination
- NEW Playlist: Gunfight Variant that allows loadouts
- 24/7 Playlist: Shipment 24/7
Here’s the FULL patch notes:
Playlist Update
- Added Deathmatch Domination!
- Added Gunfight Custom!
- Shipment 24/7 is back! (Replaces Shoot the Ship)
- Removed Winter Docks
- Moved Capture the Flag into the Quick Play Filter
- Weapons:
- MP5: Reduced headshot multiplier, Small reduction to 10mm range
- M4: Small damage decrease to reduce headshot effectiveness, Small range decrease
- M13: Range increase, Small reduction to horizontal recoil, Small damage increase to boost headshot effectiveness
- Crossbow: Players are able to shoot down an enemy Support Helo with only 3 Thermite Bolts. This has been adjusted; 5 to take down a VTOL and 6 to take down a Support Helo and Chopper Gunner
- Fix for an exploit in Ground War via ATV
- Fix for missing character model on the LA OpTic CDL skin
- Shipment: Spawn tuning to reduce the frequency of instant deaths and spawn traps. Adjustments to spawn positions around the edge of the map for all modes. New spawn logic for Domination.
- When using keyboard and mouse, a controller button prompt will appear to access the Social Menu while matchmaking. On PC with a PS4 controller, the button prompt will appear as an Xbox prompt. This has been fixed.
In the store, there is now a new Lunar New Year bundle in the For You section to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
Alongside this, from January 31 at 10AM PT through February 3 at 10AM PT, the tiers for Battle Pass will be on sale. The price per tier will be 100CP for the limited period in-game.