Call of Duty: Modern Warfare PS4 Open Beta – Day 3 Recap

Day 3 of the PlayStation 4 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta Open Beta is wrapping up, and Infinity Ward has shared on Reddit a recap of the day, including what they’re looking into after Day 3 and more.
The studio is continuing to look at the feedback from the fans on the spawn issues, working to fix a lot of the bugs including the Parties having to be disbanded, Cruise Missile issues, and has shared a look at what’s coming during Day 4 of the Modern Warfare Beta on PS4.
The studio also shared some first information on what to expect in Day 4 of the Beta, including the Realism mode and Gunfight.
We’re on day three of the beta and today, we opened the beta up to everyone on PlayStation 4. It’s been an exciting day for all of us as we’ve watched you share clips of your gameplay, telling us what loadout you’ve been rockin’, and sharing your thoughts about what you’ve played so far and what you hope to see at launch. This community is incredible and we’re thankful that not only are you taking the time to play, but you’re also telling us what you think. We hear and see all of your comments, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on here or on Twitter. We can’t thank you all enough!
You all have shared some pretty amazing and insightful feedback so far. This definitely isn’t all of your feedback, but let’s take a look at some of the issues we’re looking into…
- Connecting to Online Services: Some players are unable to connect to online services. If you’re still having this issue, please feel free to PM me your PSNID so we can further investigate.
- Stuttering: On occasion, a player might experience a “pull” or stutter near doors. This is being looked into.
- Players unable to move in certain locations:We’ve seen a few cases where players are getting stuck in their position and are unable to move around the map. We’re currently investigating this.
- Weapon Attachments: In some cases, weapon attachments are not unlocking after reaching the required level. This is being investigated.
- Doors: We’ve read your comments about doors; how they open, how loud they can be, and how they interact with you if they’re already open. We’ll be monitoring how you interact with them throughout the weekend and during weekend two.
- Spawning and Visuals: Spawning is currently inconsistent on some maps, so thank you for sharing your videos with us and sharing your feedback. We’ll continue to monitor the spawn system and we’ll update you if we deploy any changes. We will also be looking into lighting and exposure on various areas of the map, such as how you view dark rooms from the outside of a building and vice versa, for example.
- Semtex Grenade: When stuck to a door, the Semtex grenade will not explode and the grenade icon will remain on screen. This will be fixed for weekend two of the Beta.
- Smoke effect on weapons: The smoke effect after firing a weapon is currently not displaying in-game. This will be fixed by launch.
- Players “stuck” on the map: On random places across a map, a player might get ‘stuck’ in their current position and is unable to move. We’re taking a look at these and should have some of these locations fixed for weekend two.
- Minimap: Today we turned on a version of the minimap that doesn’t display enemy fire. We’ve been reading through your comments not only about the map itself, but also the compass and other UI elements on screen. Reading your feedback has brought up some very insightful conversations here at the studio, so again, thank you. Tomorrow, we’ll be turning off outlines that exist on your teammates within the world. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this combination, so please keep your suggestions and feedback rolling in throughout the weekend.
Sunday, September 15th
- TDM: Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner
- DOM: Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner
- HQ: Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner
- HQ: 10v10 Grazna Raid
- DOM: 10v10 Grazna Raid
- Featured Playlist: Realism – Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner- TDM
- Featured Playlist: 2v2 Gunfight – King, Pine, Stack
Additional Intel:
- Minimap is now on (will not display enemy fire)
- Teammate outlines will be turned off
SOURCE: Reddit