Destiny 2 Beyond Light: Where to find all the penguin collectibles

Along with sparkling new ice abilities and a frosty planet to explore, Europa also brings with it scattered penguins. Bungie has continued its trend of collectibles in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, and we’ll show you where to find the penguin collectibles.
Given the serious nature of the intense, action-packed, space drama that is Destiny, taking time out of your travels to find a chubby penguin just makes sense somehow. The items fits the bill in terms of the overall aesthetic of the game, but they’re not easy to acquire though.
Players familiar with previous Destiny expansion packs will already be accustomed to hunting down animal-shaped objects to add to a collection. Destiny’s Shadowkeep expansion tasked the player with finding some cool-looking rabbits, whilst Forsaken required you to search for mystical cats of all things.
Where will you find the penguin statues?
As is to be expected, our penguins can be found all over Europa, but at the moment you can only find a limited amount of them. Bungie seems to be rolling out a new penguin at weekly intervals to flesh out the content a bit and keep people on their toes.
Let’s see where the Destiny 2: Beyond Light penguin collectibles are hiding then.
First penguin – Cadmus Ridge

Our very first souvenir is located in Cadmus Ridge, tucked away in a small cave. So you’ll want to arrive at Charon’s Crossing and make your way there. You’ll then need to go upwards up and locate an icy gorge.
You’ll know you’re in the right one when you see a penguin statue in the back of the cave, and an ultra-powerful Wyvern defending it. We highly recommend your Power Level be somewhere in the region of 1200 before you enter here. Once you defeated it, go and pick up the penguin by the back wall.
Second penguin – Well of Infinitude

To start off, go to Asterion Abyss. Once here, head down the right side until you come to a path that forks. Enter the Well of Infinitude and keep going until you find yourself in a large room, with ice everywhere.
Keep searching it until you find an energy barrier/shield hidden in a corner, behind a doorway. Interact with it to lower it and claim your second prize.
Third penguin – Eventide Ruins

Statue number three is tucked away inside Eventide Ruins. For this one, you will need a Scorch Cannon to access our winter bird this time. If you need one, next to the Gravity Lift that will take you to Riis-Reborn, an enemy called Ferkis, Salvation’s Squall will appear, kill him, take the cannon.
You can find the penguin by some stairs that will normally take you to the Bunker E15 Lost Sector. But near these stairs, there’s a little alcove to their right with ice in it, use the Scorch Cannon on the ice and grab your third bird.
Where to place the statues
As an advanced space warrior you don’t really want to be seen lugging around strange penguin statues do you? So it’s best that you give them a home.
In order to do so, head back and go to the room opposite where Variks is. Head inside the room and there are different placements set out for each of the penguins to go on. A marker will indicate if you’ve found the right place.
First penguin’s placement

Second penguin’s placement

Third penguin’s placement

Collecting all these will go towards accomplishing a Truimph.
Keep checking back for further updates as Bungie add a new one each week.
Image credits: Bungie