Rockstar shuts down popular GTA Online hacking website to stop cheaters

Andrew Highton
gta online rockstar shuts down

Rockstar is clamping down one of the internet’s top websites for GTA Online hacking in a bid to deter hackers.

Given that GTA in the PS2 and PS3 days was about exploring the open-world and having fun in your own way – cheats were the way to help do this. But GTA Online is not intended to be a single-player experience; it’s presented as a fabulously deep, online multiplayer game using microtransactions.

So you can see why Rockstar has spent years trying to cut down on hacking and cheating. Plenty of people have been finding ways to gain access to money illegally and Rockstar is trying to finally put a stop to it.

gta online

GTA Online hackers shut down by Rockstar

Whether it’s because people don’t want to spend money or because they want to take flight in the Ponte Deluxo for free – hacking is rife in GTA Online.

As such, hackers are always finding ways to gain free access to a lot of the game’s premium content without having to buy Shark Cards.

But Rockstar has finally put its foot down and gone directly to one of the biggest GTA hacking sites. LunaCheats was previously a go-to for many GTA Online players that wanted to hack the game and make a few million GTA$.

However, Take-Two Interactive – the publishers that own Rockstar Games – have managed to make LunaCheats stop all of their activities. Anyone heading to their website now will be greeted by a white screen with a simple message.

“After discussions with Take-Two Interactive, we are immediately ceasing all maintenance, development, and distribution of our cheat menu services. We will also be donating our proceeds to a charity designated by Take-Two.

We apologize for any and all problems our software has caused to the Grand Theft Auto Online community.”

lunacheats message about gta online hacking

It’s a strong message from Rockstar who now seem to be enforcing a zero-tolerance policy on any form of GTA Online hacking.

This could very well be the beginning of the end for these types of websites.

Image credits: Rockstar