Is Nightingale crossplay? Cross-platform & cross-progression status

Lucas Simons
Nightingale Cross Save Cross Progression

Nightingale is releasing its Early Access soon, and players are trying to figure out lots of details about this survival crafting fantasy game, including crossplay and cross-save progression. Will the game have these features or not? Here’s what we know.

Nightingale broke the Steam charts with over 3 million people wish-listing it before its release, and now, players are reading themselves to become Realmwalkers. Its Early Access is about to hit the release window, and gamers are wondering if they’ll be able to save their progression across platforms.

Crossplay and cross-progression are key features in every multiplayer game, so it is no surprise that players want to know if Nightingale will have these features from its launch or will add them in the future.

So here’s whether Nightingale has crossplay and cross-progression or not.

Nightingale Giant
In Nightingale, all creatures can be either allies or sworn enemies. Thread carefully.

Does Nightingale have a cross-save feature?

No, for the moment, Nightingale won’t feature crossplay and cross-progression at launch.

This might change in the future. As the game grows in popularity, the devs might deem it necessary to include both crossplay and cross-save features as they launch it on several platforms.

However, Inflexion Games‘ devs haven’t revealed whether the game will be available later this year on other platforms or not, but we will keep you informed if they release more information about this.

And that’s what you need to know about Nightingale and its crossplay and cross-progression features. For more information on the game, you can also check the following links:

Nightingale PC Requirements | Is Nightingale open world? | Will Nightingale be on Steam Deck? | Is Nightingale coming to Xbox Game Pass? | Can you play Nightingale solo? Single-player explained

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About The Author

Lucas is a Games Writer for CharlieIntel, specializing in covering Pokemon, including Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Pokemon Go, and Pokemon TCG. A former Game Reviewer and PR Liaison for HD Tecnologia (ARG), Lucas is also an Audiovisual Media Producer, Game Designer, Narrative Designer, and author, having published several books including Press Start, a guide to video game writing and world building. You can contact him at [email protected].