How to find Azalea trees and Lush Caves in Minecraft

Aakrit Sharma
Azalea tree and its roots in Minecraft

Azalea trees in Minecraft are rare as they only grow above the Lush Caves biome naturally. In this guide, we’ll teach how to find Azalea trees and Lush Caves and how to grow the trees manually.

Lush Caves biome in Minecraft is a must-visit for any player. These unusual and intriguing caves are full of flora and fauna and you can get valuable resources such as Glow Berries, Cave Vines, Spore Blossoms, and Axolotls from them.

Finding a Lush Cave in Minecraft can be an arduous task. Interestingly, Azalea trees grow above Lush Caves and their roots run deep inside the cave. Hence, if you find an Azalea tree, just dig it down and you’ll end up in a Lush Cave.

On that note, let’s learn how to find Azalea trees and Lush Caves in Minecraft.

Azalea tree in Minecraft

How to find Azalea trees in Minecraft

Azalea trees in Minecraft grow above Lush Caves and they aren’t exclusive to any biomes. They look like oak trees but have purple flowers on some of the leaves.

It is important to note that Lush Caves only generate under biomes with 3 humidity or higher. This requirement certainly narrows down the list because only these biomes in Minecraft are humid enough to have a Lush Cave underneath:

  • Snowy Taiga
  • Taiga
  • Growth Taiga
  • Dark Forest
  • Forest
  • Jungle
  • Wooded Badlands

Hence, if you’re searching for Azalea trees in Minecraft, visit the biomes mentioned above.

How to grow Azalea trees in Minecraft

You can grow Azalea trees in Minecraft by applying bone meal to Azaleas or Flowering Azaleas. You can obtain these flowers by applying bone meal to a moss block. There’s a 7.2% chance that the moss block generates Azalea and a 4.17% chance that it generates Flowering Azalea.

Alternatively, you can use sheers to break an Azalea tree and there’s a 5% chance that you’ll obtain Azalea and Flowering Azalea instead of Azalea leaves and Flowering Azalea leaves.

Azaleas and Flowering Azaleas in Minecraft

How to find moss blocks in Minecraft

These are the best sources to find moss blocks in Minecraft:

  • Wandering traders
  • Supply chests in Shipwrecks
  • Ceiling, walls, and floor of a lush cave

In a nutshell, growing an Azalea tree in Minecraft is all about finding a moss block and using bone meal on it until an Azalea/Flowering Azalea flower spawns. The final step is to use bone meal on the Azalea/Flowering Azalera flower.

Uses of Azalea in Minecraft

If you grow an Oak or Birch sapling within 2 blocks of Azaleas in Minecraft, there’s a 5% chance that the tree will have a bee nest. This saves you from the trouble of finding honeycomb and making your own beehives in the game.

Apart from this, the tree’s resources can be used for smelting items.

All resources obtained from Azalea trees in Minecraft

You can get the following items from an Azalea tree:

ResourceHow to harvest
Azalea LeavesShears
Flowering Azalea LeavesShears
AzaleaObtained from Azalea Leaves
Flowering AzaleaObtained from Flowering Azalea Leaves
Oak LogAny tools, including hands
Rooted DirtAny tools, including hands
Hanging RootsShears

In terms of loot, Azalea trees might not be the most useful trees in Minecraft. However, you can find Lush Caves underneath the tree and these caves are full of fascinating plants and animals.

Lush Cave biome in Minecraft

List of resources and enemies in the Lush Caves biome in Minecraft

Once you’ve found a Lush Cave through an Azalea tree, you can explore it to find these items:

ResourceHow to harvest
Azalea LeavesShears
Flowering Azalea LeavesShears
AzaleaObtained from Azalea Leaves
Flowering AzaleaObtained from Flowering Azalea Leaves
Oak LogAxe
Rooted DirtAny tools, including hands
Hanging RootsShears
Moss BlockHoe
Moss CarpetHoe
Tall GrassShears
Small DripleafShears
Big DripleafAxe
Cave VinesAny tools, including hands
Spore BlossomAny tools, including hands
Glow BerriesAny tools, including hands

It isn’t a surprise that Lush Caves also have enemies which is why you must enter prepared. Here’s a list of mobs that you might face while in a Lush Cave:

MobsGroup sizeNature
Tropical Fish8Passive towards player
Glow Squid4-6Passive towards player
Axoloti4-6Passive towards player
Zombie Villager1Hostile
Spider Jockey1Hostile
Chicken Jockey1Hostile

Well, this was everything to know about Azalea trees, Lush Caves, and their significance in Minecraft. For similar content, you can check out our guides on how to make a server, how to grow mushrooms, and the best Minecraft XP farms.

Image Credits: Mojang