Why is Fortnite giving free 950 V-Bucks to players?

Fortnite players online are claiming that they’ve been gifted 950 V-Bucks for free, so here’s everything we know about why this is happening.
Some Fortnite players who booted up the game after the 29.10 update reported receiving a gift of 950 V-Bucks from Epic. This reward came without any notice or even an explanation from the devs about why it was being issued.
However, not all players received this gift causing plenty of speculation within the community. With this in mind, here’s everything we know about why Fortnite is giving away 950 V-Bucks for free.
Why is Fortnite giving away 950 V-Bucks?
There is no official explanation regarding why Fortnite gave away 950 V-Bucks for free to players.
There is a possibility that the free V-Bucks have something to do with a problem that reset the Battle Pass progress for some players or displayed that they didn’t own it.
As per theories floating around online, the gift could also have something to do with the promised refund for Fortnite Crew members. Players who aren’t subscribed to Fortnite Crew have also claimed to receive the gift, so this might not be the case.
As far as speculation goes, the gift could even be Epic’s manner of apologizing for extended downtimes during the last few updates. The official reason is yet to be known, but if you’ve been granted the gift of free V-Bucks we recommend investing it into the Battle Pass.
That was everything we know about why Fortnite is giving away free 950 V-Bucks. For more on the game, check out:
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