FIFA 22 demo: Release date, features, teams & more

The release of the next installment in the FIFA series is right around the corner, which means the FIFA 22 demo isn’t too far away. We break down when it’s likely to drop and what players can expect from the taster.
EA Sports has already given fans a pretty sizeable look at what’s going in FIFA 22. There’s been plenty of reveals, whether it’s the announcement of FUT Heroes or the fundamental changes coming to the Ultimate Team mode.
Some players have even been able to dip their toe into the game in the FIFA 22 beta, which was released not too long ago. But while that represents an early version of the game without fully updated kits and squads, it’s the demo that really builds excitement ahead of the full launch.
Here’s everything we know about the FIFA 22 demo so far.

Will there be a FIFA 22 demo?
EA hasn’t officially confirmed whether or not there will be a demo for FIFA 22. In the past, the publisher has waited until very close to its release to announce its arrival, opting to surprise fans with little fanfare.
However, the decision last year to cancel the demo shortly before the full game’s release has left players wondering if they will take the same approach this year. Resources were instead focused on getting the game up to standard on older and new consoles.
FIFA 21 was the first installment to be released on next-gen hardware, which likely set the game’s development back. But after the disappointment in 2020, it’s hard to imagine that EA would wait so long to then announce another year without a demo.
This time around, with a lot of the legwork out of the way, we expect the devs to have more time to work on what is usually a big event for the community.

When will the FIFA 22 demo be released?
Although there is no concrete release date yet, we can look at past years to get a good idea of when to expect it. As mentioned, the FIFA 21 demo was canceled to focus on the full game’s development, but before that, the schedule was that the trial would drop just over two weeks before the game came out.
- Read more: FIFA 22: Date, editions, bonuses, Ultimate Team, FUT Heroes, Career, Pro Clubs, HyperMotion
With this in mind, and taking into account that the demo usually lands on a Tuesday, the most likely date we have at the moment is Tuesday, September 14. This would fit nicely with previous releases and give players two and a half weeks before the full game’s release. Unless, of course, you’ve managed to secure early access.

Which features will be playable?
Whereas the beta lets fans into various modes, the demo tends to be a smaller, more polished slice of the final game. This usually means that Kick-Off is the main core mode available to play, and we expect this year to be no different.
In the FIFA 20 demo, we were also allowed to play the then-recently added Volta mode. This reimagining of the beloved FIFA Street has been a permanent fixture in the series, and EA’s continued efforts to plug the mode mean it will also show up in the demo.

Which teams will be in the FIFA 22 demo?
Only a handful of teams make their way into the demo. These tend to be handpicked from clubs EA has partnership deals with and often feature heavily in the game’s trailers.
With this in mind, we can expect the teams involved to be picked from the following list:
- AC Milan
- Athletico Madrid
- Borussia Dortmund
- Chelsea
- Inter Milan
- Liverpool
- Mancester City
- Paris Saint-Germain
- Real Madrid
- Tottenham Hotspur

How big will the FIFA 22 demo download be?
Once again, there is little to go on regarding how much storage the FIFA 22 demo will take up. The most recent demo, FIFA 20, was around 6GB, but it will be launching on next-gen and last-gen consoles and PC this year, so the size of the file could easily vary.
It’s also worth noting that while the beta was only available to a handful of players and early access is locked behind preorders and EA Play subscriptions, the FIFA 22 demo will be free for all players.
As always, we’ll keep you up to date with all the latest FIFA 22 demo news when it is announced.
In the meantime, check out our articles on the first Ultimate Team ratings to be leaked and the frustrating feature set to be nerfed in FIFA 22.
Image credits: EA