Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer Hotfix: update & patch notes

A new Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer Hotfix aims to improve several aspects of the game including Master Vault of Glass. Here’s everything you need to know about the new update.
Even as we near the end of Season the Splicer, Bungie is still churning out quality updates to improve Destiny 2 as a whole. The weekly updates may have finished, but there are still Trials of Osiris rewards to earn amongst other things.
The latest Hotfix focuses on Armor improvements, the Vault of Glass Raid, and other general fixes. Ahead of new information for Destiny 2 Season 15, this new update should keep players ticking over in the meantime.
Here’s everything we know about the new Destiny 2: update and patch notes.

- Fixed an issue where the Ludomaniacal emblem did not have appropriate acquisition steps in its details.
Vault of Glass
- Removed weapon drops from Master Vault of Glass encounter loot pools.
- Players are guaranteed to receive stat-focused armor from Master difficulty encounters.
- Master Vault of Glass loot lockouts have been separated from Normal.
- Both can now be looted independently each week.
- Drops will only be at Pinnacle Power from the first weekly clear of each encounter.
- For example, if you complete Oracles in Normal difficulty first it will award Pinnacle. If you later in that week complete Oracles on Master difficulty, it will award stat-focused armor but not at Pinnacle Power.
- Completing either encounter again after that will award Spoils of Conquest, and Masterwork Materials at Master difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where some Stasis finishers caused a slight delay to weapon readiness relative to non-Stasis class finishers.
- Fixed an issue where Boots of the Emperor’s Agent didn’t display shaders correctly.
We’re saying general a lot, huh?
- Fixed an issue where the Ghoyster Shell could heave horrific dead pupils in certain environments.
- We are still recovering from this issue and apologize to anyone who may have nightmares.
Also, check out Destiny 2 Palindrome god roll perks for PVE and PVP.
Image Credit: Bungie