FAKE: Black Ops 2 Menu Screen “Leaked”



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FAKE.. It doesn’t get any faker than this. We received several tips that the beta menu leaked for Black Ops 2, seems that a lot of people think this is real.

First off.. MW3Upload stole OUR Black Ops 2 “Concept Art/Mock Logo” that we made in photoshop last year (as you can tell from our BO2 Rumor page). Second, Treyarch would never allow anyone to show footage on an unannounced project.

“They only allowed us to record the whole beta menu”… Suuuure, Treyarch “allowed” you to record it and reveal to the world their next unannounced project. That’s really an insult to my intelligence.. In all honesty, its a good fake and I definitely like the look of white menus, this video should have been uploaded as a fan made concept video. What gets me mad is that MW3Upload is using this video to trick people into subscribing so that he’ll eventually leak footage of “Part 2”. Shame on you.

And remember, if or WHEN Activision takes the video down, it’s mostly likely to keep mis-information from spreading and NOT because it’s real…

UPDATE: Surprise, surprise.. Video has been taken down.

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