Warzone 2 leaks suggest second small size map is in development

Luca Di Marzo
Warzone 2 small map Rebirth Island

Renowned CoD leaker Tom Henderson is reporting that a second Warzone 2 map is in development, and it could give players a smaller alternative to the main offering.

It seems Warzone fans could receive more than just a single map following the release of Warzone 2. Leaks suggest that a second map is currently in development and could release after the initial Warzone 2 map.

Given the success of Warzone’s formula of offering players the chance to play on Verdansk and Rebirth Island, it’s no surprise that leaks are suggesting that a second smaller map is in development.

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Giving players opportunities to experience different types of gameplay was a driving force behind Warzone’s initial success. Although Warzone launched with Verdansk and later added Rebirth Island to the mix, it’s this combination that satisfied players with several options to choose from.

On May 31, a report from renowned industry insider Tom Henderson revealed that a second Warzone 2 map akin to Rebirth Island could be in development.

For starters, the information seems to have come from a source that experienced a Warzone 2 playtest. According to Henderson’s source, a second map that was not accessible during the playtest was visible in the menu of the game.

Henderson admits that “not much is currently known about the second map, but it has been suggested that it could be similar in size to Rebirth Island from the original Warzone.”

While these are just leaks and it is still too early for fans of Rebirth Island to rejoice, the fact that a second map in a smaller area could be in development is a positive sign for players who enjoy gameplay variety.

Rebirth Island followed Verdansk almost nine months after the latter was released. Release dates for both maps are unclear at the moment, but we’ll keep you posted as more information comes to light.

For more Warzone 2 news, check out how Call of Duty players are terrified that last-gen consoles will ruin Warzone 2.

Image Credit: Activision