JGOD reveals his top tip to boost your Warzone K/D & win more gunfights

Liam Mackay
JGOD and Alex operator from Warzone

Warzone YouTuber JGOD has broken down the simple trick you can use to win more gunfights and “instantly raise your K/D.”

‘Centering’ is a term you may have heard your favorite Call of Duty and Warzone pros use, as it’s one of the most important aspects of any FPS game. Make sure your aim is ‘centered’ and already where you expect enemies to be will allow you to snap onto them much quicker, giving you the edge in gunfights.

Using examples from Warzone’s top professional players, YouTuber JGOD has broken down how important centering is to improve your K/D ratio and winning more gunfights.

What is centering in Warzone?

Centering in Warzone

As JGOD explains, centering is keeping your crosshair in the center of your screen so you’re always ready for a player to appear. This means aiming at chest height at all times where you expect enemies to be, whether that’s in doorways, windows, or out in the open. JGOD explained that sometimes that tiny adjustment you have to make if you’re not centered “is enough to lose you the gunfight.”

Using his own example, when JGOD is aiming at the floor, he has to massively adjust to aim at an enemy, and messes up his shots. He then corrects himself, centers his aim, and easily wins the fight.

He explains that controllers players tend to be the most guilty of aiming at the floor, as his own centering is much better when playing on keyboard and mouse. It could be a battle royale problem, as you’re constantly looking at the ground for loot.

JGOD Warzone centering examples

JGOD then uses top Warzone pro Tommey as an example, explaining how good centering can even correct mistakes. In the middle of a fight, Tommey expected a player to swing through a doorway and was centered ready for the player. Instead, the player dropped down one of the fireman’s poles, and because Tommey was centered, he easily adjusted his aim slightly to the right to win the gunfight.

As another perfect example of centering, JGOD analyzes DougIsRaw’s gameplay. Before Doug dropped down a ladder into the stairs of one of the apartment buildings, he took a second to center his aim to chest height. This allowed him to drop down already with perfect aim, and easily got the kill.

While centering is just instinct for Warzone’s top players, JGOD said that you’ll have to “consciously work on it day after day.” Just keep centering in mind while playing, and you’ll find your gameplay will improve immensely.

For more tips on how to improve at Warzone, check out the best guns in Warzone, and also the best FOV settings.

Image Credit: JGOD / Activision

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