Vanguard devs respond to crazy Cold Blooded glitch turning off aim assist

The Cold Blooded Perk in Vanguard has been messing with aim assist, and this has caught the attention of the developers who have now responded to this issue.
Call of Duty: Vanguard has no shortage of thrills, as you’ll frequently find yourself in intense combat situations. One feature that can greatly improve your chances of victory when playing with a controller is aim assist.
This helps ensure that your shots land on target more frequently, but players have noticed that the feature hasn’t been working properly, with the Cold Blooded perk causing major issues with this vital tool.

Cold Blooded provides Vanguard players with important cover, as it stops you from being targeted by AI and player-controlled scorestreaks, and keeps you off the minimap when a UAV is called in. However, it is also breaking aim assist, toggling the feature on and off.
This can give you an unfair advantage over your opponents, as your aim will be snapping towards them while they will find you much harder to hit.
Sledgehammer Games have confirmed that they are aware of the problem Cold Blooded has been causing with the game’s aim assist, so they’ve begun investigating it on the Vanguard Trello board.
At the time of writing, it’s unclear when exactly we should expect this issue to get patched up. Since it’s currently being investigated, we might see a solution implemented in the next update.
Sledgehammer Games haven’t disabled the Cold Blooded Perk in Call of Duty: Vanguard’s multiplayer maps and modes just yet. If that changes at some point then we’ll be sure to let you know.
For more Vanguard, check out how to make CoD 4’s M16 in Vanguard and our hub on the next Vanguard & Warzone Pacific Double XP event.
Image credits: Sledgehammer Games