Cranked Zombies Tips – Black Ops Cold War

Cranked Zombies is a new mode added to Black Ops Cold War Zombies for Season 1.
For the midseason update, Treyarch has released Cranked Zombies as a limited-time mode. This is a fast-paced and intense mode that was originally released alongside Call of Duty Ghosts and has long been a tradition in Infinity Ward games. Now, Treyarch has adopted the mode for Zombies.
What is Cranked?
Cranked is a mode where kills are key. Once you score your first kill, a timer will start and your player will receive increased reload speed and running speed. This timer will be a 30 second timer, ticking down. If you fail to score a kill before the timer hits 0, you’ll blow up. Each new kill will refresh the timer.
For Zombies, as time continues, zombies will spawn faster and the cranked timer will continue to reduce as the game progresses. It will start at 30 seconds, then drop to 25, 20, and 15, before settling at 12.5 seconds. (and eventually going lower, with some players reporting down to 5 seconds)

Tips to Survive
- Big magazines, high damage – Be sure to drop in with a Light Machine Gun or high capacity Assault Rifle. You’ll need it for all the zombies constantly bombarding you.
- Explosives are key – Pack C4, and be sure to pick up every War Machine boss zombies drop. You’ll need these as emergency tools for quick and easy kills when time is running low.
- Pack FAST! – Pack-a-punch is unlocked automatically as soon as the power is turned on. Make sure you get your weapon upgraded as fast as possible.
- Brain Rot OP – Brain Rot is an ammo upgrade for pack-a-punch weapons that turns a hostile zombie into a friendly teammate. Be sure to utilize this for quick timer resets while reloading or traveling around the map.
- Ring of Survival – The Ring of Fire field upgrade is a must use in Cranked. Line up large waves of zombies, then activate the ring of fire for easy kills. We recommend saving your ring of fire charges for boss zombies.
- Be a Menu Master – Using the upgrade station and weapons bench will cost you time. Be sure to have the menus memorized to get what you need before you explode.
- Perk Up! – While being Cranked gives you additional reload and movement speed, Stamin-Up and Speed Cola also stack on these effects, making you even faster.
These tips should get you rolling through Weapon levels and Zombie hordes in no time. Now get out there and slay some zombies!
Image Credits: Activision