Black Ops Cold War Season 5 adds new Flamethrower scorestreak

With Season 5 of Black Ops Cold War about to release, let’s get into what players can expect from the new Flamethrower scorestreak.
Black Ops Cold War Season 5 is coming very soon, and with all the new content coming out, we want you to know exactly what you’re getting.
The new season will not only bring brand new updates to the popular Zombies mode and some new weapons for Warzone and multiplayer, but Season 5 will also bring a new scorestreak, the Flamethrower.
This follows the arrival of the Hand Cannon streak in Season 4 of the Call of Duty title.

The new Cold War Flamethrower scorestreak will be very nostalgic for those who played Treyarch’s earlier Call of Duty games like the classic World at War.
As revealed in Call of Duty’s Season 5 Roadmap reveal, the Cold War Flamethrower scorestreak will be available for players to use as soon as Season 5 launches on August 12, 2021.
Cold War Flamethrower Scoresteak

Players will find that this scorestreak is on the lower end when it comes to cost, so they will not have to get a long string of points before unlocking it and using it to dominate their enemies.
According to the official description of the Cold War Flamethrower scorestreak, it is “a ranged incendiary device that is lost upon death (functioning in the same way as the Combat Bow or Hand Cannon), the Flamethrower shoots a steady stream of flame, immolating enemies within close range.”
There is no doubt that many players will be ready to earn the new Cold War Flamethrower scorestreak and see how many eliminations they can rack up during Season 5 of the first-person shooter.
For more Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, check out what classic World at War maps players want to see in Black Ops Cold War or when the next double XP event is happening.
Image Credits: Activision / Treyarch